The objective of this discipline is to restore mastication and aesthetic function to patients with either partial or complete tooth loss. The periodontist is also the specialist best able to insert dental implants.
A dental implant is an artificial root that replaces that of the missing tooth. This titanium or titanium-zirconium screw is surgically inserted into the jawbone under local anesthesia.
Although there are many different brands of implants available on the market, only a few of these have been thoroughly investigated in scientific studies.
This is why at our dental practice, we use the Straumann brand implant system, which has a clinical history spanning more than 30 years and is known among the international scientific community for its quality and reliability.
Indications for implants
If the medical examination does not reveal any contra-indications, implant insertion allows the following to be achieved:
Advantages of a dental implant
The various grafts possible
When the available bone is not sufficient, it is necessary to perform a bone graft.
Usually, grafts are done at the practice under local anaesthetic. However, if the level of bone loss is extreme, the patient will be treated by a maxillofacial surgeon under general anaesthetic.
Localised augmentation
If there are small bone defects around the implant, a biomaterial supported by a collagen membrane is used to regenerate the bone.
If a larger defect is diagnosed, a small block of bone is harvested, usually from the area of the wisdom teeth.
This mini graft is fixed in place with small screws.
After a healing period of about four to six months, the implant(s) can be inserted.
Sinus graft
A sinus graft is often done when replacing the upper molars and premolars. In fact, after these teeth are lost, the bone resorbs and the sinus cavity expands, leaving an insufficient height for anchoring implants.
The maxillary sinus below the gum is accessed into which a biomaterial is introduced. The implants are then placed either at the same time or after a healing period of about six months, depending on the specifics of the case and the available bone height.
How can you protect your implants in the long term?
Just like a natural tooth, a dental implant requires very rigorous oral hygiene, limited tobacco consumption and regular check-ups.
Post-operative advice
In the case of a sinus graft, blowing the nose must be avoided for three to four weeks after the intervention! In addition, coughing and sneezing should be done with an open mouth. There is no need to worry if a little blood comes out of the nose a few days after the surgery. In fact, the sinuses drain through the nasal cavities.
Usually, oedema and haematomas resorb spontaneously after a few days.
Dr Jean-Daniel Portigheis
Route des Deux-Villages 47
1806 St-Légiers
+41 21 944 16 16